
Predictable Revenue Podcast
The Resilience Blueprint for Sales

Have you ever heard of the term "realistic optimist" in sales?

Keli Frazier-Cox introduced this fantastic approach, reshaping how we at Predictable Revenue see sales. Here's a quick lowdown:

Anticipate Challenges: Aim high, but watch for potential hurdles. It's not about being skeptical; it's about being prepared.

Be Proactive: Address challenges BEFORE they become roadblocks. It's like seeing a pothole ahead and steering around it instead of waiting for that unexpected jolt.

Forge Value-Driven Partnerships: Let’s go beyond the transaction. Transform from just being a salesperson to a trusted guide. When you navigate your clients through the bumpy patches, they see your real value!

Leadership’s Role: Quality over quantity, always! Our leaders set the rhythm, emphasizing sustainable strategies over quick wins.

In sales, it's not just about closing the deal; it's about paving the way for a lasting relationship. Check out the full episode!

Next Wave Leadership Podcast

The Next Wave Leadership podcast is hosted by Dov Pollack where Dov talks to leaders about how they’re creating great places to work and more importantly great places to grow.

In this recent episode, Keli discusses how growing in leadership requires action and purpose. Time alone doesn’t sharpen leaders, but it’s the effort, intentionality, and learning they put in that ultimately make the difference. It doesn’t have to be a perfect path, but pushing forward is the only way to improve yourself and your company.

Keli knows the importance of striving for a more inclusive environment, and explains what that looks like in practice.

Taking the Lead Podcast
Balancing Business and Humanity: Leadership Lessons to Learn

In this episode of Taking the Lead, Christina Brady hosts an enlightening conversation with Keli Frazier-Cox, Founder of Promote Leaders.

The discussion delves into a challenging but crucial aspect of leadership — balancing business objectives with the humanity of a team.

Keli shares her unique insights, emphasizing the importance of maintaining dignity during hardships, performance issues, and tough feedback conversations. She articulates how trust and loyalty are built on these challenging moments, leading to lasting success for both the individual and the organization.

The conversation also explores the nuanced art of giving difficult feedback. Keli highlights how empathy and genuine interest in the team member's success can transform the feedback process, turning even tough performance conversations into opportunities for growth.

This episode is a must-listen for leaders seeking to build a more empathetic, resilient, and successful team.