Discover What Executive Coaching Is…

And why the best performing leaders have a coach.

a secret weapon leaders and teams use to get the most out of themselves. Just as athletes and teams in the sports world have a great coach, so do those in the corporate world.

Based on your specific challenges, we would build a personalized coaching program that would achieve the following objectives.

  • Create a safe and confidential space to identify and address obstacles

  • Uncover and address what’s holding you back

  • Set specific goals for you to achieve growth and development

  • Have an experienced former executive hold you accountable, be honest, and cheer you on

  • Focus on customized areas of leadership development

These one-on-one executive coaching sessions are designed for leaders at every level in the organization. Whether you are an experienced executive, a first-time people manager, or an aspiring leader, you can benefit from leadership coaching. Sessions are conducted via video conference, over the phone, or in person and are designed to help you up your leadership game.

Coaching is…

Tamika, Head of Finance, HR, and Operations

“In my sessions with Keli, it became obvious that her methods are tailored to your personal needs. Active listening helps to foster mutual understanding and she was able to help me get to the heart of what I was trying to accomplish without telling me what to do; instead, I was guided to self-realization and tackled the problem in small pieces. Sometimes you are familiar with a problem but don’t know the solution. I was able to discover the path with Keli and design a manageable plan that helped me accomplish many of my goals, like improving my presence and communication in Board meetings. I fully recommend this leadership coach!!!”