Be the leader people want to follow.

Experience coaching that empowers executives with the tools to become inspirational leaders and maximizes your potential.

“Keli had a fundamental role while I was forming my own identify as a leader. She has a special balance between inspiring self-discovery through powerful questioning, challenging myself to be my best version, and sharing brave and brutal feedback when it was necessary. Due to the trust I have in Keli, she is the person I keep going to when I need to make a major career, business, or life decision. She enables my strongest self to come to life.”  
-Geana, Sales Director





Ways to Work Together

Keli Frazier-Cox


“I have walked in your shoes and experienced the burnout, endless to-do lists, interpersonal conflicts, the lack of work/life balance, and seemingly contradictory priorities of being a leader.

I founded Promote Leaders and developed the framework, Intentionally Balanced Leadership (IBL) to help others thrive in similar entrepreneurial and fast paced environments. Throughout my career as a Global Head of Learning and Development, General Manager and most recently as a Chief Commercial Officer, cultivating future leaders has always been a central component to my leadership approach.

In concert with proven industry assessment tools, constructive and productive feedback, with practical and actionable coaching, the IBL framework leverages my personal and professional expertise, helping you become the thriving, inspirational leader you want to be.”

What Clients Are Saying

  • "Keli’s leadership and guidance helped me to slow down and really listen. I learned that I didn’t have to solve for every problem in the moment, which helped me make better decisions and become a better business partner."

    Jen - Vice President, Global Operations

  • "Coaching with Keli brought me a level of clarity I hadn't even realized I was missing. I've started to work much more proactively and strategically in my role and feel more confident and intentional as a manager and leader."

    Alice - Associate Director, Client Delivery

  • The professional development experience I’ve had with Keli was nothing short of eye opening. Her knowledge and guidance helped me to envision my career path in a new way.

    Jasmine, Strategic Marketing Product Manager